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Strengthening Animal Health Surveillance Systems

A female health worker is collecting data from a mother holding a child
A female health worker is collecting data from a mother holding a child

Indonesia’s integrated animal health information system (iSIKNAS) is a powerful field data collection mechanism, but it is still being underused.

One of the database’s current limitations is that reported health events are predominantly for cattle, with relatively few events being recorded for other species. There is very little information captured from the intensive production sector, which is made up primarily of poultry producers. Regional uptake is also variable, with some provinces using iSIKNAS very extensively and others much less so.

The AIHSP team, along with staff from the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, has been working to identify opportunities to expand the use of the system.

As a result, a number of initiatives have been developed. These include a systemic review of field services as well as a national awareness program on iSIKNAS and the benefits it can provide when used properly.

The AIHSP’s main activities to broaden the use and functionality of iSIKNAS include:

  • strengthening of groups to champion the system, led by the Ministry of Agriculture
  • improving user access to, and usability of, the system by introducing app-based data input
  • updating reference tables and completing a data review to identify strengths and weaknesses
  • enhancing interoperability with other systems
  • developing a smart early warning system for the rapid identification of emerging issues
  • providing day-to-day support and problem-solving.

With many of the critical upgrades complete, iSIKNAS is now considered one of the most advanced animal health surveillance systems in the world.


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