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Australia-Indonesia Partnership continues to promote One Health to improve health security in Bali

The One Health Workshop specifically highlights the benefits of the One Health approach in Bali.
The One Health Workshop specifically highlights the benefits of the One Health approach in Bali.

Global health security is under increasing pressure from emerging infectious diseases, potentially further pandemics, and the impacts of climate change. In response, the existing health systems for human health, animal health, and the environment must be better able to prevent, detect, and reduce the risk of ongoing and emerging health threats.

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes, recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. Indonesia has been consistently applying this approach to find leverage points within the health security systems at local, regional, national, and global levels.

To commemorate One Health Day 2023, AIHSP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Culture (PMK), Bali Provincial Government, and other relevant international institutions/bodies, held a two-day One Health workshop on November 9-10, 2023. Workshop participants come from across the One Health spectrum – human health, animal health and production services and environmental health, academia, NGOs/CSOs, the private sector, and international development partners. The workshop is facilitated by the Bali Province One Health Collaborating Center (OHCC).

One Health Workshop in Bali to commemorate One Health Day 2023

The workshop specifically highlights the benefits of the One Health approach in Bali, setting out the national and Balinese context and benefits of such an approach, providing case studies of opportunities and challenges in implementing One Health, and developing the work plan on risk mitigation measures to be undertaken to combat the ongoing threats to human health and well-being.

“Adopting the integrated One Health approach and comprehensive cross-sectoral coordination is recognized as the basis for increasing the effectiveness of the early warning and rapid response system. The Government of Australia and AIHSP believe that the One Health approach can optimize national, regional, and international efforts and achievements in public health, animal, plant, and ecosystem health,” said John Leigh, AIHSP Program Director.

Bali, like other provinces in Indonesia, faces many environmental, human, and animal health challenges. Adopting the One Health approach will give the province the ability to find leverage points within the health security system. National and sub-national public health programs can be designed to use these to push or pull the system in a different direction with the intent to improve health outcomes.

"Bali is facing major threats due to pandemics, human diseases, zoonoses, and animal diseases such as rabies and FMD, which have an impact on the regional economy and food security. The existence of a Coordination Team for Control of Zoonotic Diseases and New Infectious Diseases is very important to coordinate efforts based on the One Health approach in Bali Province. Today's workshop is very strategic as a forum for sharing knowledge and developing collaboration and communication strategies," explained Drs. Dewa Made Indra, M.Si, Regional Secretary of Bali Province.

“Zoonosis is a shared problem! The spirit of protecting Bali from various threats of disaster, including disease outbreaks (non-natural disasters) is a noble and sacred duty. For that reason, let’s collaborate to strengthen synergy to protect Bali, to be passed on to our children and grandchildren in the future, from Bali to inspire Indonesia and even the world," added Dr. Drs. I Made Rentin, AP., M.Si, Chief Executive of the Bali Province Regional Disaster Management Agency as well as Secretary of the Coordinating Team for Control of Zoonotic Diseases and New Infectious Diseases, Bali Province.

Opening Remarks by Dr. Drs. I Made Rentin, AP., M.Si., Chief Executive of the Bali Province Regional Disaster Management Agency as well as Secretary of the Coordinating Team for Control of Zoonotic Diseases and New Infectious Diseases, Bali Province.

The Bali Province Traditional Village Council also conveyed the strategy needed by Bali Province to face existing challenges, namely by implementing a comprehensive One Health approach. "One of the strategies to answer the challenges that exist in Bali Province is to build communication, collaboration and determine joint priorities to respond to existing health security threats with a One Health approach," said Ir I Gede Arya Sena M.Kes, Patengen Agung, Bali Province Traditional Village Council.

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