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How We Work

As a strategic partnership charged with increasing national health security in Indonesia, the AIHSP works under two key operational priorities.

The first is to:

  • strengthen the systems in Indonesia that prevent, detect, and respond to public and animal health emergencies resulting from emerging infectious diseases

This objective is pursued by following a three-phase strategy.

Prevent: The Government regulation and procedures, community behaviors, and private sector practices are modified to minimize the risk of:

  1. the outbreak of human infectious diseases
  2. zoonotic diseases transmitted to humans from domestic animals or wildlife
  3. the likelihood and impact of animal diseases.

Detect: The government of Indonesia's decision-makers have access to reliable, representative, real-time information from surveillance that can rapidly detect emerging infectious diseases in humans and animals, including the zoonoses.

Respond: The Government of Indonesia, communities, the private sector, and civil society organizations are able to mount an effective , timely and well-coordinated response to each detected outbreak.

The second key operational priority of the AIHSP is to:

  • improve coordination of responses to national, regional, and global health threats.

This priority is achieved by maintaining cooperation between government ministries in both Indonesia and Australia as well as fostering continued dialogue with relevant national agencies, international development institutions, industry groups, universities, and civil society organizations.

For more information on how we work, visit our pages on strategic direction.

This website will be discontinued in March 2025. Please visit the AIHSP Knowledge Centre at onehealth.or.id to access the information you require.