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Why am I Not Vaccinated? A reminder for families to take their elderly member to get vaccinated

An elderly woman expressed her desire to be vaccinated. Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is also her right as a citizen to be protected from the risk of death and severe symptoms due to COVID-19.
An elderly woman expressed her desire to be vaccinated. Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is also her right as a citizen to be protected from the risk of death and severe symptoms due to COVID-19.

Access to COVID-19 vaccination is a human right. Right to be protected from the risk of death and severe symptoms due to COVID-19. According to data from the Ministry of Health (March, 2022), complete vaccination plus booster (third dose) for the elderly provides 91% protection from deaths due to COVID-19.  But why she haven’t yet be vaccinated?

This video is intended to provide an example of things that might be used as an excuse not to bring the elderly to be vaccinated. The unanswered questions are satire which emphasizes that elderlies also have the right to be vaccinated.

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